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Gainetdinov Lab at NYU Biology

RNA metabolism in development and disease

Our research

We seek to understand how cells protect and destroy mRNAs, lncRNAs, and different classes of small RNAs. Our lab applies genetics, biochemistry, high-throughput sequencing, and computational modeling to define the biological roles of RNA metabolism in development and disease.


Relaxed targeting rules help PIWI proteins silence transposons.

Gainetdinov I, Vega-Badillo J, Cecchini K, Bagci A, Colpan C, De D, Bailey S, Arif A, Wu PH, MacRae IJ, Zamore PD.

Nature. 2023; 619: 394–402.

A maternally programmed intergenerational mechanism enables male offspring to make piRNAs from Y-linked precursor RNAs in Drosophila.

Venkei ZG*, Gainetdinov I*, Bagci A, Starostik MR, Choi CP, Fingerhut JM, Chen P, Balsara C, Whitfield TW, Bell GW, Feng S, Jacobsen SE, Aravin AA, Kim JK, Zamore PD, Yamashita YM. *co-first authors

Nat Cell Biol 2023;

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